In our quest for tranquility and harmony in our living spaces, Marie Kondo 's tidying method has gained popularity for its simplicity and effectiveness. Among her many tips, the vertical clothing storage method is a must-have for maximizing space and bringing a sense of calm to your closet.
What is Vertical Storage?
The concept of vertical storage involves folding your clothes so that they can stand upright rather than being stacked on top of each other. Rather than rummaging through messy piles, you can see all your clothes at a glance, making it easier to choose your daily outfit.
The Benefits of Marie Kondo's Method
Marie Kondo, renowned tidying consultant and author of the best-selling book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, recommends this method for several reasons:
Maximize Space: By folding your clothes compactly and storing them vertically, you make more efficient use of the available storage space in your drawers and closets.
Improved visibility: Instead of stacking your clothes on top of each other, storing them vertically allows you to see each item individually, making them easier to find and reducing the risk of creasing.
Reduce Clutter: By clearly seeing all your clothes, you're more likely to weed out the ones you don't use or love anymore, helping to reduce clutter and simplify your wardrobe.
How to implement the vertical storage method?
Fold properly: Marie Kondo recommends folding each item of clothing into a compact rectangle before storing it. This allows the clothes to stand upright when stored vertically.
Organize by category: Sort your clothes by category (shirts, pants, sweaters, etc.) and fold them individually before putting them away in the drawer or closet.
Use Dividers: To keep your clothes upright and organized, you can use drawer dividers or storage boxes.
Marie Kondo's vertical storage method is a simple and effective way to maximize your clothing storage space while reducing clutter and simplifying your daily life. By adopting this method, you can create an orderly and harmonious environment that promotes a sense of calm and well-being in your home.